Pitch Activity Book - Pass the Puppets Round the Ring

Music Resource Description
Engage young minds with the delightful "Pass the Puppets Round the Ring" activity, a playful and musical game designed to enhance children's pitch-matching skills and cooperative play. This game is perfect for a group of youngsters seated in a circle, where about four puppets are distributed randomly among them. As the children sing the catchy tune "Pass the puppets round the ring," they simultaneously pass around the puppets in sync with the music. The moment the song reaches the word 'stop', the child holding a puppet at that instant keeps hold of it.
The activity then transitions into a call-and-response segment led by an adult or a chosen leader, who sings out questions such as "Who's got the monkey?" The child in possession of the corresponding puppet answers with "I've got the monkey." Initially, it's recommended to maintain a consistent melody to guide the children, but as their musical abilities progress, the leader can vary the pitch intervals of the questions, challenging the children to match their responses accordingly. It's worth noting that younger participants may require extra encouragement to pass the puppets rather than keeping them for personal play, making it a fun exercise in sharing and turn-taking.