Pitch Activity Book - Who has a Brother? 2 Notes

Music Resource Description
The "Who has a Brother?" activity is a dynamic and engaging pitch-matching game designed for young learners, which can be integrated into music lessons to encourage quick thinking and vocal participation. The game starts with the teacher or leader singing a question to the tune provided, such as "Who has a brother?" to which children who have a brother respond by singing back "I have a brother." This call-and-response format is repeated with various prompts that ask about different personal attributes or preferences, including having a sister, eye color, hair length, clothing choices, and even favorite festivities or items like Christmas, parties, and presents.
The game is structured with musical notes indicating the melody to be sung, and it includes pauses for children to process the question and prepare their response. Each query is designed to be inclusive and to cover a wide range of characteristics, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to participate. This activity not only helps in developing musical skills such as pitch recognition and vocal expression but also serves as a fun way for children to learn more about their classmates and celebrate diversity. It's an interactive break that can be easily incorporated into the classroom, fostering a sense of community and shared enjoyment of music.