Pitch Activity Book - Rain is Falling Down

Music Resource Description
"Rain is Falling Down" is a charming activity book that brings music and movement together for children. The book features a simple and catchy song that is perfect for young learners. As they sit cross-legged on the floor opposite their partner, the children are encouraged to engage with the melody and lyrics through a series of coordinated actions. When they sing the line "Rain is falling down," they mimic the motion of rainfall by moving their hands from high to low. The word "splash!" is accompanied by a playful hand clap with their partner, adding an element of fun to the activity.
The rhythmic phrase "pitter, patter, pitter, patter," invites the children to tap their knees alternately, further immersing them in the sensation of raindrops. This activity not only helps in developing a sense of rhythm and coordination but also enhances listening skills as the children perform the actions in time with the music. For an added layer of complexity and enjoyment, the song can be performed as a round, with the second group joining in at the word "Down." This musical experience is designed to be interactive and enjoyable, making it a delightful way for children to learn and play with music.