Pitch Activity Book - Hot Cross Buns

Music Resource Description
Delight young musicians with an interactive activity book centered around the classic tune "Hot Cross Buns." This engaging book presents a variety of musical activities designed to teach and entertain children. The main activity involves a game where children sit opposite a partner and perform a series of actions in time with the song. They tap their knees, cross and uncross their hands, and clap to the rhythm of "Hot Cross Buns," while rubbing their fingers together as if handling money during the "One a penny, two a penny" lines. This tactile approach to rhythm and melody not only reinforces the song's structure but also enhances the children's coordination and musical timing.
The activity book expands on the "Hot Cross Buns" theme with a total of 11 suggested activities, including singing, tapping the pulse, clapping the rhythm, and performing body actions to represent different musical notes. Children can experience the song in rounds, learn rhythm names, and use hand signs for solfege syllables. For those with access to tuned instruments, the book offers opportunities to play the pulse, rhythm, and melody on instruments, both individually and in canon. The book also introduces a new note character named Raymond, adding narrative to the learning process, which aids in remembering pitch relationships and positions. To further develop pitch recognition and musical memory, children can practice silent patterns, where they listen and internalize the sounds before singing them back. These activities are not only filmed on an accompanying DVD but also leave room for many more creative musical explorations.