Pitch Reception Notations - What will you play

Music Resource Description
"What Will You Play?" is an engaging musical game designed for children to enhance their listening skills and their ability to distinguish between high and low pitches. The game begins with the children sitting in a circle, with two chime bars placed in the centre, tuned to the notes G and E, which, assuming C is 'Do', form the 'So Mi' interval. As the children sing the catchy phrase "What will you play for us today?" to a simple melody notated in 4/4 time, they pass a beanbag around the circle in time with the music.
The child holding the beanbag on the final word 'today' takes a turn in the middle of the circle. Here, they are invited to play four notes of their choice on the chime bars, aiming to maintain a steady rhythm. The rest of the class then listens carefully and responds in one of two ways: either by singing "high low high low" while tapping their shoulders for high notes and their knees for low notes, or by echoing the melody using solfa syllables and corresponding hand signs. After the group has mimicked the melody, the child returns to their seat, and the game continues. This activity is not only fun but also educational, as it helps children to become familiar with pitch intervals and to develop their auditory discrimination between different pitches.