Pitch Lesson Plan - Year 2 Lesson 5

Music Resource Description
In the fifth lesson of a series designed for Year 2 students, the primary focus is on developing pitch through a variety of engaging musical activities. The learning objectives for this lesson include singing solos, internalising and recalling melodic phrases, playing tuned instruments to a steady pulse, and improvising instrumental patterns. The key vocabulary introduced is "solo," preparing the children to understand and perform individual parts in musical pieces.
The lesson utilises a selection of interactive games that blend singing and instrument play. 'COPY CAT' encourages children to sing solo with actions that the rest of the class then imitates, fostering confidence and timing. 'DOGGIE DOGGIE' involves a guessing element with a child in the middle of a circle trying to identify who is singing with a prop. 'STARLIGHT' incorporates passing a star around while singing and making wishes, with a small group adding G and E chime bars to the melody. Dynamics are explored by singing with varying volumes, and the children are invited to discuss the effects of these changes. In the improvisation game 'WHAT WILL YOU PLAY?', children take turns playing notes on chime bars, while the rest of the class echoes the melody using solfa hand signs or body percussion. The plenary wraps up the session with a goodbye song, utilising different vocal techniques. The lesson aligns with the National Curriculum's objectives to play tuned instruments musically, understand and explore pitch, and use voices expressively in song. For further guidance and ideas to enhance the lesson, teachers are directed to consult the provided 'TEACHER NOTES'.