Rhythm and Pulse Year 1 Notations - Who has a brother?

Music Resource Description
This activity is a rhythmic call and response game designed for Year 1 students to engage in music and rhythm through a fun and interactive exercise. The game begins with the teacher or leader singing a phrase to a four-beat rhythm, asking a question such as "Who has a brother?" or "Who has blue eyes?". The children are then encouraged to respond with "I have a brother" or "I have blue eyes," matching their answers to the same four-beat rhythm if the statement applies to them. It's a playful way to explore rhythm and pulse while also learning a bit about each other.
Some of the questions can be quite humorous, like "Who has purple eyes?", which would naturally lead to a four-beat pause as this is an unlikely trait for anyone in the class. The game serves as a great icebreaker and helps children become comfortable with keeping time and responding to musical cues. Initially, there might be some off-beat answers and discussions about the specifics of the questions, such as the inclusion of step-siblings or eye colour nuances. However, as the children become more accustomed to the game's format, they are expected to respond more promptly and rhythmically. The game can be expanded with a variety of questions, including favourite hobbies or clothing colours, fostering an inclusive and dynamic learning environment.