Rhythm and Pulse Reception Notations - Apple tree

Music Resource Description
In the vibrant and interactive musical game "Apple Tree," designed for Reception class children, rhythm and pulse are explored through a playful song and movement. The lyrics of the song, "Apple tree, apple tree, will your apple fall on me? I won't cry and I won't shout – if your apple knocks me out!" are set to a simple and catchy melody that encourages children to engage with the basic concepts of musical notation and timing. The game is played with the children forming a circle and one child standing in the middle. As the song progresses, the child in the centre points rhythmically to their peers in time with the pulse of the music, assigning actions to the lyrics.
The fun begins as the children respond to the words of the song – when "out" is sung, the child being pointed to must sit down, and the game continues until all are seated. For a quicker pace and added excitement, the rules can be adapted so that children also sit down when "me" is sung. To keep the activity fresh and engaging, a leader can be appointed to change the actions for the group with each new rendition of the song. This not only introduces variety but also encourages leadership and creativity among the young participants. "Apple Tree" is a delightful way to incorporate music education into early years learning, fostering an appreciation for rhythm and cooperative play.