Rhythm Pulse Activity Book - Early in the Morning

Music Resource Description
The Rhythm Pulse Activity Book includes a charming musical game called "Early in the Morning," which is designed to help children learn rhythm and timing in a fun and interactive way. The activity is set to a catchy tune with simple lyrics that describe a morning scenario where the postman arrives with the mail. Children sit in a circle and select one of their peers to play the role of the postman. As the group sings the song, the postman weaves around the inside of the circle, keeping in time with the steady beat of the music.
During the song, there are specific actions that correspond to the lyrics. When the words "eight o'clock" are sung, all the children tap their knees to the rhythm. At the line "postman's knock," everyone claps their hands together. The child sitting in front of the postman then stands up, pretends to open a door, and receives four letters from the postman, distributed in sync with the pulse of the song. This child then becomes the new postman, and the game continues with the next verse. This playful activity not only engages children in singing and movement but also teaches them to listen and respond to musical cues.