Pitch Reception Notations - Help the puppet sing in tune

Music Resource Description
Introduce young learners to the basics of pitch with a fun and interactive game that's perfect for encouraging solo singing and honing pitch-matching skills. The game involves a puppet which you, the teacher or parent, will use to engage the children in a call-and-response activity. You start by singing the word 'hello' to the puppet on a single note, and the puppet—animated by you—sings 'hello' back, attempting to match your pitch. The children's task is to listen carefully and determine whether the puppet's note matches yours.
If the puppet's pitch is off, it's an opportunity for the children to help correct it. Invite a child to come up and take the puppet, placing it on their hand. You then sing 'hello' again, and the child, as the puppet, tries to match the note. It's essential to praise all attempts, focusing on the concepts of 'same' and 'different' rather than 'right' and 'wrong'. If a child responds with a noticeably different pitch, acknowledge the difference in a positive manner, noting the variety in everyone's voices. To support the child's effort, you can then sing 'hello' back, matching the child's pitch, meeting them at their level. Remember, learning to pitch-match is a gradual process that requires regular, non-judgemental practice, and this game is a delightful way to practice without pressure.