Pitch Lesson Plan - Year 2 Lesson 4

Music Resource Description
In the fourth lesson of a Year 2 pitch series, students are encouraged to enhance their musical skills by focusing on maintaining a steady pulse and accurately clapping rhythms. The lesson aims to develop their ability to read and sing from rhythm and pitch notation using the solfa method, specifically concentrating on the solfa names 'So' and 'Mi' with corresponding hand signs. This engaging lesson also provides the opportunity for students to showcase their talents through solo singing, fostering confidence and individual expression.
A variety of interactive activities are planned to achieve these objectives. These include singing and rhythm games using tracks such as 'Have You Brought Your Singing Voice?', 'Who Has a Brother?', and 'Hello Anna', which utilise the notes 'So' and 'Mi' (G and E) to reinforce pitch recognition. 'The Introduction Game' and 'Rain Rain Go Away' encourage solo performances within a group context, allowing each child to sing individually while keeping in time with the class. The lesson also incorporates the 'Magic Lollipop' game to differentiate between singing words out loud or in the head and switching between solfa names and rhythm names. To culminate the session, students participate in 'Pass the Puppets Round the Ring', which further reinforces the solfa technique and the ability to sing in response to prompts. The plenary involves singing 'Goodbye Everyone' with actions, humming, and thinking, ensuring a comprehensive and enjoyable musical experience for Year 2 students.