Pitch Lesson Plan - Year 2 Lesson 6

Music Resource Description
In the sixth lesson of a Year 2 pitch series, students are introduced to a new pitch and solfa note, 'La', along with its corresponding hand sign. The lesson's objectives are to enhance the pupils' aural memory through concentrated listening and internalisation of sounds, to recognise changes in pitch, and to play tuned instruments in time with the rhythm and pulse. The session utilises resources such as G and E chime bars and 'magic lollipops' to facilitate learning. Key vocabulary includes 'pulse', 'rhythm', 'La', 'So', and 'Mi'. The lesson comprises various activities, including singing along to tracks, learning the hand sign for 'La', and identifying the new note within a song. Children will also engage in silent singing with hand signs and play pitch and rhythm games, culminating in a group performance and appraisal.
The lesson plan is structured to encourage active participation and understanding of musical concepts. Students will sing and tap the pulse, clap the rhythm, and use body actions to represent different pitch levels. They will also learn to sing using solfa names with hand signs and play the pulse and rhythm on tuned instruments. The 'magic lollipop' game aids in differentiating between singing out loud and thinking in their heads, and between solfa names and rhythm names. The lesson concludes with a plenary session where students sing a goodbye song incorporating different vocal techniques. This lesson aligns with the National Curriculum, focusing on understanding and exploring pitch, duration, musical notations, playing tuned instruments musically, using voices expressively, and performing with others. An extension activity for an additional lesson is suggested, where students can compose and perform their own rhythm patterns in groups, further enhancing their musical skills and understanding.