Pitch Lesson Plan - Year 2 Lesson 3

Music Resource Description
In the third lesson of a pitch-focused series for Year 2 students, the primary objective is to familiarise children with the solfa names So and Mi, along with the corresponding hand signs. They will also learn to read and sing musical notations such as Ta and Te-te, using the pitches of So and Mi. The lesson incorporates a variety of engaging activities, including a warm-up chant with tempo variations, a game called 'Hello Anna' that introduces the two notes So (G) and Mi (E), and singing the register with these notes to discern pitch levels.
Further activities include a singing game, 'Who Has a Brother?', where children sing questions and answers using the melodies of So and Mi. Another game, 'I, I, ME OH MY', encourages the class to sing together and individually, allowing the teacher to assess their tuning and pitch-matching skills. The characters SOPHIE (So) and MIKHAIL (Mi) are introduced with stories and hand signs to help children remember the pitches. The lesson includes rhythm patterns and pitch exercises with hand signs for children to imitate. Finally, the class revisits the song 'I, I, ME OH MY', this time with notated music, encouraging them to sing from the notation using hand signs. The session concludes with a plenary song that incorporates singing, humming, and thinking with actions, reinforcing the National Curriculum's objective of using voices expressively and creatively to explore pitch. Detailed teacher notes are provided to offer additional teaching tips and ideas for developing the lesson.