Pitch Activity Book - I, I, Me, oh My

Music Resource Description
The "Pitch Activity Book" offers an engaging and interactive game for children that combines singing with a rhythmic activity. The game, titled "I, I, Me, oh My," is designed to be played with a group of children who are either seated in a line or arranged in a circle. The essence of the game lies in its simplicity and the joy it brings through music and personalisation. The group collectively sings the catchy phrase "I, I, me oh my," while keeping the beat by tapping their knees in time with the pulse of the tune. This creates a sense of unity and rhythm among the participants.
As the game progresses, each child has the opportunity to take the spotlight as a solo performer. When it's their turn, the child completes the song by adding the name of their favourite pie, such as "apple pie." This personal touch not only makes the game more enjoyable but also allows each child to express their individual preferences. To ensure the game flows smoothly and maintains its rhythm, it's recommended that the children think about their pie choice in advance. This preparation helps to keep the pulse continuous and the energy of the game alive. With everyone participating and taking their turn, the "I, I, Me, oh My" game becomes an all-inclusive, fun-filled musical experience that celebrates both unity and individuality.