Pitch Lesson Plan - Year 1 Lesson 5

Music Resource Description
In Lesson 5 of the Year 1 Pitch series, young learners are set to explore the world of musical pitch with engaging activities designed to develop their ability to match pitch and sing solo parts. The lesson's objectives include learning to sing confidently on the notes So, Mi, and La, playing tuned instruments in time with a steady pulse to accompany singing, and demonstrating an understanding of pitch changes through corresponding actions. This lesson promises to be a hands-on experience with the use of resources such as a star, chime bars tuned to G, E, and A, and a selection of puppets, including a dog puppet and a 'bone'.
The main activities of the session involve interactive games that incorporate both singing and instrument playing. 'Pass the Puppets Round the Ring' involves children sitting in a circle, passing puppets to music, and singing responses when prompted. 'Copy Cat' and 'Starlight with wishes' games encourage children to sing and pass objects in time with the music, with the latter allowing them to express their wishes. 'Doggie Doggie' and 'Tap the Melody' focus on pitch recognition, with the latter requiring children to perform specific actions linked to the notes being played or sung. The plenary includes a closing game and a goodbye song, where children are encouraged to sing, hum, and play, reinforcing the concepts learned. These activities align with the National Curriculum, aiming to help children understand and explore pitch, use their voices expressively, and play tuned instruments musically. Additional teaching tips and ideas for expanding on this lesson can be found in the 'Teacher Notes' section.