Pitch Lesson Plan - Year 1 Lesson 1

Music Resource Description
The first lesson in the Year 1 Pitch series is designed to encourage children to explore their voices and understand the difference between speaking and singing. The lesson's objectives are to experiment with various voice types, distinguish between speaking and singing voices, and begin pitch-matching on a single note. The main activities include interactive games such as 'The Drum Game', where children respond to different pulse speeds, and 'Have You Brought Your Singing Voice?', which involves answering in different vocal styles. The children will also learn the rhyme 'Cobbler Cobbler Mend My Shoe', using flashcards and various vocal techniques to reinforce the difference between spoken and sung words.
Further engaging activities include the 'Magic Lollipop Game', where children switch between speaking and singing, and the 'We Will Copy You' ball game, where actions are copied to a pulse. The pitch game 'Hello Anna' is sung entirely on one note to help children focus on pitch-matching. Additionally, the 'Puppets - Dancer and Funky' activity introduces the concept of high and low notes through call and response singing with puppets. The lesson concludes with a plenary discussion about using voices in different ways and a closing game, 'I Wiggle My Fingers', incorporating singing with actions. This lesson aligns with the National Curriculum's objectives to explore pitch and use voices expressively through singing and chanting.