Pitch Reception Notations - Pass the puppets round the ring

Music Resource Description
The 'Pass the Puppets Round the Ring' game is an engaging and educational activity designed to improve pitch-matching skills among young children through a fun and interactive musical experience. The notation for the song provides a simple and catchy melody, which is easy for children to follow and sing along to. The game involves passing around puppets in a circle while the children sing the phrases "Pass the puppets round the ring" and "Who's got the monkey? I've got the monkey," with the rhythm and pitch indicated by the musical notes.
For this musical game, approximately four puppets are required. The children sit in a circle and are given the puppets at random. As they sing the song, they pass the puppets from one to another. When the music stops on the word 'stop', the child holding a puppet at that moment keeps it. The leader then initiates a call-and-response sequence by singing "Who has the.....?" and the child with the corresponding puppet responds with "I have the......" Initially, the game should use the same melody for the call and response to help the children learn. As they become more adept at pitch matching, the leader can introduce questions at varying pitch intervals to challenge the children further. It's important to encourage the younger participants to pass the puppets rather than keeping them, as they may be inclined to play with the puppets instead of engaging with the game as intended.