Pitch Activity Book - Bluebells

Music Resource Description
The 'Pitch Activity Book - Bluebells' offers an engaging and traditional skipping game, perfect for incorporating music and rhythm into physical activity. The game starts with the children singing the charming melody of "Bluebells, cockle shells, ee-vy, ivy over," as they skip in time with the music. The song continues with the lyrics "My mother sent me to the store and this is what she sent me for," leading into a playful chant of grocery items: "Salt, vinegar, mustard, pepper!" The simplicity of the tune and the repetitive nature of the words make it an ideal choice for young children to enjoy and participate in.
The game is not just about singing and skipping; it has a competitive twist as well. While the children skip, they chant the sequence "salt, vinegar, mustard, pepper" repeatedly. The challenge comes in determining which word a child is 'out' on—either by stopping intentionally or by making a skipping error. This adds an element of anticipation and excitement to the game, as each child tries to keep skipping without fault. The activity can be scaled up for a whole class, with one child skipping in the center while the others provide a rhythmic accompaniment by chanting, clapping, or playing instruments. This traditional game is an excellent way for children to develop coordination, rhythm, and social interaction skills in a fun and inclusive setting.