Pitch Year 2 Notations - Here I come

Music Resource Description
"Here I Come" is an engaging and interactive song for Year 2 children, designed to be played in a classroom setting. The activity begins with the children seated in a group or circle, creating a communal atmosphere. A special leader's chair is placed at the front, where one child is selected to be the leader for the game. The song itself consists of a call-and-response structure, where the leader sings the opening line "Here I come," and the rest of the class replies with questions such as "Where from?" and "What's your trade?" The leader's answers are playful and rhythmic, responding with "London" and "Lemonade."
As the song progresses, the interaction between the leader and the class becomes more dynamic. When the class sings "Give us some, don't be afraid," they mimic holding out imaginary glasses towards the leader. The leader then pretends to fill one of these glasses with lemonade, and the child whose glass is 'filled' becomes the new leader. This child moves to the leader's chair, while the original leader takes their place in the circle. To add variety to the game, children who are familiar with the song can be encouraged to invent new locations and drinks for their verses. The game also subtly encourages good behaviour, as the leader is advised to select the next leader from among those children who are sitting quietly and not calling out, promoting attentive and respectful participation in the activity.