Pitch Reception Notations - Have you brought your singing voice?

Music Resource Description
The piece is a playful and engaging call and response chant designed to encourage children to explore their vocal abilities. It starts with the leader asking if the participants have brought their singing voices, followed by a series of musical notes that represent the pitch of the response required. The chant progresses through different vocal styles, including talking, whispering, and singing with various emotional expressions such as a sad or excited voice. This exercise not only promotes vocal experimentation but also aids in developing pitch-matching skills, which are fundamental in music education.
The structure of the chant is outlined with specific vocal tones to be used at each stage. It begins with a normal talking voice and moves through a whispering voice, then to louder, sad, and excited voices. The singing voice is introduced with the pitch ‘C (Do)’, before moving on to ‘E (Mi)’, ‘G (So)’, and returning to ‘C (Do)’. This sequence is designed to help children understand and feel the difference between speaking and singing, and the varying pitches that can be used while singing. The chant is versatile, allowing for numerous variations, and can be adapted to suit different teaching methods or to maintain children's interest over time.