Pitch Activity Book - Harry Hare

Music Resource Description
Harry Hare is the charming character at the heart of an engaging pitch activity designed for young learners. This delightful game is set to a catchy tune that tells the tale of Harry Hare, a creature who is always in a rush, fraught with concern, and amusingly enough, always late for his tea. The lyrics are playful and rhythmic, painting a picture of a mischievous hare with a penchant for tardiness. The song's melody provides children with a fun way to practice musical intervals, specifically the So, La, Mi sequence, enhancing their understanding of pitch and melody through repetition and participation.
The activity is set up with children seated in a circle, passing a ball in time with the pulse of the song. The game becomes a musical pass-the-parcel, with the ball being passed from hand to hand in sync with the music. When the song reaches its conclusion on the word 'he', the child holding the ball tosses it back to the teacher. The teacher then selects the child who best exemplifies the playful spirit of Harry Hare to start the next round. Through this simple yet effective game, children not only get to practice their singing and rhythm skills but also learn to listen carefully and improve their timing, all while enjoying the story of Harry Hare.