Rhythm and Pulse Lesson Plan - Year 3 Lesson 1

Music Resource Description
Year 3 students embark on their musical journey with a Rhythm & Pulse lesson designed to enhance their ability to maintain a steady beat, develop their aural memory, and create rhythmic patterns. The first lesson in this series sets clear learning objectives, aiming to enable pupils to keep a consistent pulse while chanting, recall sounds with increasing accuracy, and construct their own musical sequences. Key vocabulary such as 'rhythm', 'pulse', 'copy', and 'chant' are introduced, providing the foundational language for the activities ahead.
The lesson plan is rich with interactive activities, starting with the energetic 'BOOM CHICK-A-BOOM' and continuing with the rhythm game 'WHO HAS A BROTHER?', which uses a call and response format to engage the children rhythmically. The fun continues with 'KNEE KNEE CLAP CLAP – CATEGORIES', where children choose a category and incorporate words into a rhythmic pattern, and 'KNEE CLAP CLICK CLICK', which combines bodily percussion with personal introductions. The lesson progresses to 'CHOSEN ACTIONS ON CHOSEN BEATS', challenging students to clap on specific counts, and 'CHANGING PATTERNS', where they gradually reduce the knee taps before a clap sequence. This session concludes with the game 'GRANDMA GRANDMA' as a playful cooldown, all the while aligning with the National Curriculum's requirements to use voices expressively and develop listening skills and aural memory.