Rhythm Pulse Activity Book - Concentration

Music Resource Description
The Rhythm Pulse Activity Book presents an engaging concentration game that combines rhythmic chanting with physical actions to enhance children's musical timing and focus. Set to a simple and catchy beat, the chant "Concentration, concentration, application, keep the rhythm, keep the rhythm off we go!" is performed while the children sit in a circle. As they recite the chant, they must simultaneously perform a sequence of actions: tapping their knees, clapping their hands, and clicking their fingers, first on the right and then on the left. The objective is to maintain a continuous pulse throughout the song, seamlessly integrating the movements with the rhythm of the chant.
Dynamics of the game involve a leader initiating the chant by saying their name on the first click and nominating another child by saying their name on the second click. The named child continues the pattern, stating their own name followed by another's on the subsequent clicks. This pattern continues around the circle, challenging participants to keep up with both the rhythm and the sequence of names. If a child hesitates or calls out the incorrect name, they are eliminated from the game. As proficiency grows, the stakes are raised, and children can be disqualified simply for losing the pulse. For those who master the chant and actions, the activity book also suggests incorporating ball games into the mix, with detailed instructions available in the Singing Games Key Stage 2 lesson plans.