Rhythm and Pulse Year 3 Notations - Dic dictation
Music Resource Description
In Year 3 music lessons, students learn about rhythm and pulse through engaging activities that combine movement and notation. One such activity is called 'Dic dictation', a chant that helps children to feel the beat and understand musical notations. The chant is composed of rhythmic syllables that match the pulse of the music, with phrases like "Dic - dic - ta - tion" and "cor - por - a - tion", followed by questions such as "how many trains are at the station?". As the rhythm unfolds, students are encouraged to close their eyes and think, before spelling out numbers like "S - I - X spells 6 and O - U - T spells out!"
The practical part of the lesson involves a fun game where children form a circle with palms upturned. A child in the centre moves around the circle, tapping each child's palms in time with the pulse, alternating hands. The beat of the chant dictates the flow, and when the word 'think' is reached, the chosen child calls out a number. The child in the centre then spells the number out loud, clapping on each letter as they tap around the circle until the chant concludes. The game continues with each child whose palm is tapped on the word 'out' placing that hand behind their back. A child is only 'out' once both hands are behind them, but they remain part of the circle, either standing or sitting. The last child with a hand still in play is declared the winner, making for a lively and educational experience that reinforces their understanding of rhythm and pulse.