Rhythm Pulse Activity Book - Dic Dictation
Music Resource Description
The Rhythm Pulse Activity Book presents an engaging activity called 'Dic Dictation', which combines rhythm, music, and spelling in a playful setting. The activity starts with the children forming a circle and extending their palms upwards. A child, designated as the leader, stands in the centre of the circle and taps the palms of the other children in sequence, following the rhythm of the chant 'Dic - dic - ta - tion, cor - por - a - tion, how ma - ny trains are at the sta - tion?' The chant continues with a rhythmic pattern that encourages the children to close their eyes and think, before moving on to spell out the number six and the word 'out' in time with the rhythm.
During this activity, the child in the middle taps the palms of their peers to the pulse of the chant using alternating hands. When the word 'think' is reached, the child whose palm is tapped calls out a number. The leader then spells this number aloud, clapping a palm around the circle on each letter, and carries on until the end of the chant. The child whose palm is tapped on the word 'out' places that hand behind their back. A child is only 'out' of the game when both hands are placed behind their back, although they remain in the circle either standing or sitting. The game continues until only one child is left with a hand extended, and this child is declared the winner. This activity not only promotes a sense of rhythm and timing but also enhances listening skills and concentration in a fun and interactive way.