Rhythm and Pulse Year 3 Notations - Knee clap click click
Music Resource Description
In Year 3 music lessons, children are introduced to rhythm and pulse through a fun and engaging activity that combines physical movements with vocal expression. The exercise, known as "Knee Clap Click Click," starts with a simple routine where children tap their knees once, clap their hands once, and then click their right and left fingers once each. This sequence helps them to understand and feel the beat, an essential foundation for musical learning.
Once they have mastered the basic movements, the children add words to their rhythm, saying "My name is ______ and I come from ______," filling in the blanks with their own names and a place that begins with the same initial letter, adding an alliterative twist to the game. Alternatively, they can choose to say their actual hometown or a place they'd like to visit. To maintain focus on the rhythm and pulse, initially, it might be beneficial for the whole class to use the same place name. The second version of the activity builds on the first by including additional phrases, expanding the sentence to "My name is ______ and I come from ______. My best friend is _______ and I like eating _______." Alliteration remains a key feature, although the activity can also lead to broader discussions about places, names, and foods. Importantly, the educational objectives related to music are met regardless of whether the answers are real or invented, ensuring that the children's creativity can flourish alongside their musical development.