Rhythm Pulse Activity Book - Down by the Banks of the Hanky Panky
Music Resource Description
The Rhythm Pulse Activity Book introduces a lively singing game titled "Down by the Banks of the Hanky Panky," which combines music and coordination to create an engaging experience for children. The game involves a catchy tune that children sing while passing a tap around a circle to maintain a consistent rhythm or pulse. To begin, participants extend their hands with palms up and use their right hand to tap the hand to their left, passing the tap in a smooth motion around the circle. The objective is to keep a regular pulse, and it's recommended to practice by counting in time with the pulse to help the children stay in sync.
Once the basic tapping technique is learned, the children are then taught the song associated with the game. Singing while clapping the pulse is an effective method to embed the rhythm in the children's minds. As they become more comfortable, they can practice singing and passing the tap simultaneously, with special attention to pausing after the words "OOPS" and "ARPS." The game incorporates elements of skill and chance, as the tap must be passed in time with the music, and specific cues in the song determine when a child is 'out'. Those who make a mistake or are tapped on the word "PLOP" must leave the circle, but they can remain involved by clapping along to the pulse from the sidelines. The game continues until only two participants are left, leading to a final winner. This singing game is not only fun but also enhances children's musical timing and coordination.