Rhythm and Pulse Year 4 Notations - A ship sailed from China

Music Resource Description
The song "A Ship Sailed from China" is accompanied by a set of notations and an engaging accumulative action game suitable for Year 4 students learning about rhythm and pulse. The song's lyrics tell a charming story of a ship arriving from China, bringing gifts of tea and presents, and a fan that inspires a blissful dance. The notations provided guide the children through the melody, with the rhythm indicated by various musical notes such as quavers (œ) and minims (˙). The song's structure is simple and repetitive, making it easy for the children to learn and remember.
As part of the interactive experience, the children participate in an action game while sitting on the floor. The game starts with a simple hand-waving motion, which is introduced during the line "going like this." With each repetition of the song, a new action is added, such as waving the other hand and then crossing hands over, followed by crossing one leg and then both legs over each other, all while maintaining the hand-waving motion. This progressive build-up of actions not only enhances the children's enjoyment but also helps to reinforce their understanding of the song's rhythm and coordination. Teachers have the flexibility to add further actions or even introduce completely different ones to add variety to the game.