Rhythm and Pulse Lesson Plan - Year 5 Lesson 6

Music Resource Description
In the sixth lesson of a Year 5 Rhythm & Pulse series, students are encouraged to explore and improvise rhythmic patterns through body percussion and movement. The learning objectives set out for this session are threefold: to improvise rhythmic patterns, to compose sequences in groups by adding and removing layers of movement, and to perform and critically appraise the created sequences. Key vocabulary such as 'pulse', 'rhythm', 'sequence', 'create', and 'layers' are introduced to enhance the students' musical terminology. A drum is listed as the main resource needed for the lesson's activities.
The main activities of the lesson involve interactive games and group work. Students begin with 'DON'T TAP THIS ONE BACK' and the 'FOLLOW THE LEADER SEQUENCE GAME', where they practice copying and creating 8-beat movement sequences in a circle, developing their ability to keep in time with a pulse. The lesson progresses with 'RHYTHM / ACTION SEQUENCES', where students work in groups to create their own rhythm sequences, layering individual patterns on top of each other and then peeling them away. They are encouraged to consider spatial awareness and incorporate different 'rhythm ingredients' into their compositions. After practicing their sequences, often with one child providing a steady pulse on the drum, the groups perform to the class. The plenary involves appraising the performances with a focus on timing, clarity of rhythm, and variety of movements, using both expressive language and musical vocabulary. This gives students the chance to receive and act on feedback, aiming to improve their performances. This lesson aligns with the National Curriculum's objectives to understand and explore aspects of music such as duration, texture, and structure, and to perform in an ensemble context.