Rhythm Pulse Activity Book - Pease Pudding Hot

Music Resource Description
The "Pease Pudding Hot" activity from the Rhythm Pulse Activity Book is an engaging exercise designed to teach children about rhythm and melody through a traditional song. The lyrics of the song are simple and repetitive, making it easy for young learners to remember and follow. The structure of the song includes a series of rests, during which children are encouraged to perform specific actions. For example, during the first rest, they might wipe their brow to signify the heat of the pease pudding, while in the second rest, they could hug themselves and shiver to represent its coldness. The third rest involves a humorous action where children pretend to be sick, saying "bleah!" to express their distaste for pease pudding that is nine days old.
The activity book suggests a sequence of ways to perform the song, starting with singing while doing the actions, then humming with actions, and finally thinking the tune while performing the actions, which helps to internalize the rhythm. Additionally, children can clap during the rests to maintain the rhythm throughout the song. For a more advanced musical challenge, "Pease Pudding Hot" can be sung in a canon format, where different groups start singing the song two beats apart from each other, creating a round-like effect. This playful approach to music education not only teaches rhythm and coordination but also allows children to have fun while learning.