Singing Games Activity Book - Goodbye Mary

Music Resource Description
The "Goodbye Mary" activity from the Singing Games Activity Book is a delightful musical game designed for children to enjoy while sitting in a circle. The song "Goodbye Mary" features a simple and catchy melody with lyrics that bid farewell to Mary and ask for a letter to be sent while she's away. As the children sing, they incorporate the name 'Sarah' into the song, which adds a personal touch to the game. The tune's structure is straightforward, making it easy for young participants to learn and remember the words and melody.
As part of the game, one child's name is selected, and that child must quickly think of an action to perform in time with the music's beat. This could be anything from clapping hands, clicking fingers, waving arms, to tapping knees. The rest of the group then mimics this action, creating a unified movement that continues throughout the song. When the lyrics reach the line 'and don't forget your old pal', the child leading the action chooses another participant by singing their name in the space provided. The game then proceeds with the newly chosen child leading the actions for everyone else to follow, ensuring that each child gets a turn to contribute to the fun and interactive musical experience.