Singing Games Year 5 Notations - Shoo fly

Music Resource Description
In Year 5, children can enjoy learning the notation and actions for the singing game "Shoo Fly." This circle game begins with the children standing and holding hands in a circle. Two taller children create an arch, while two others, positioned directly opposite the arch, act as leaders. The game is set to the rhythm of the song "Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me," with specific actions coordinated to the lyrics. As the song mentions "Shoo fly, don't bother me," the children take four small steps towards the circle's center and then back out again, repeating this motion twice.
When the song reaches the lines "I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star," the children forming the arch lift one hand to create the archway, while the two leaders, followed by the rest of the group, walk through without breaking hands. The aim is to walk carefully behind the person in front, maintaining the circle's shape. After passing through the arch, the children move outwards to form an inside-out circle, and the arch twists to realign with the group. The second part of the game mirrors the first, with the leaders moving backward through the arch to return the circle to its original formation. Depending on the group size, the "I feel" section may be sung twice, and the game concludes with all children raising their linked hands in the air in celebration of the song and the game.