Singing Games Lesson Plan - Year 5 Lesson 5
Music Resource Description
The fifth lesson for Year 5 in the Singing Games series is designed to enhance students' ability to coordinate movements with music while developing their vocal skills. The learning objectives focus on learning new singing games with accompanying actions, singing with clear articulation, and moving in time to a steady musical pulse. The key vocabulary for this lesson includes terms such as melody, pulse, rhythm, phrase, verse, and improvise, which are integral to understanding the structure and execution of singing games.
Resources for the lesson are minimal, suggesting a string of flowers and a cowboy hat to add a playful element to the game 'Round de doo bop', although these items are not essential. The main activities involve teaching three different singing games: 'Oats and Beans and Barley Grow', 'Round de doo bop', and 'The Austrian'. Each game is designed to challenge the children's listening skills and response times, as well as to encourage imagination and role-play. The lesson concludes with a plenary game called 'Goodbye Mary'. Teacher notes emphasize the importance of first teaching the song, ensuring children are comfortable with the tune before introducing the game. This approach aligns with the National Curriculum objectives to sing in unison, improve musical accuracy and control, and understand elements such as duration and pitch.