Singing Games Year 4 Notations - Grandma, grandma on your way

Music Resource Description
"Grandma, Grandma on Your Way" is a charming and rhythmic singing game designed for Year 4 students, featuring a simple and catchy tune that is perfect for engaging children in musical activities. The notation for the song is laid out clearly, with a 4/4 time signature and a melody that is easy to follow. The lyrics begin with an inviting call to "Grandma" and proceed with an offer to sit down and enjoy a cup of tea, playfully asking how many biscuits Grandma would like to have. The song continues with a counting sequence that can be extended as desired, making it an interactive experience for the children.
The game is traditionally played with one child skipping, while the rest of the class participates by chanting the lyrics and clapping along to the rhythm, turning it into a whole-class activity. The word "biscuits" in the song is interchangeable, allowing for flexibility and creativity; children can suggest other treats that Grandma might enjoy, such as cakes or sweets. This adaptability not only adds variety to the game but also encourages the children to make it their own. "Grandma, Grandma on Your Way" is a delightful addition to the repertoire of singing games, fostering a sense of community and fun in the classroom.