Pitch Activity Book - We All Have Different Names

Music Resource Description
The "We All Have Different Names" activity is an engaging and musical way for children to learn about diversity and the uniqueness of every individual through the fun of an interactive singing game. Set to a simple and catchy melody, the song celebrates the variety of names among a group of children, such as Anya, Adam, Kym, Henry, and Brandon. The tune is easy to follow and is designed to be sung by a group of children sitting in a circle or a line, accompanied by a series of rhythmic actions that include tapping knees, clapping hands, and clicking fingers to the right and left.
The primary goal of the game is to maintain a continuous pulse while singing, which not only enhances the children's musical timing but also encourages quick thinking and attentiveness. As the song progresses, each child takes turns singing their own name followed by another child's name, thereby passing the musical 'baton'. This activity is similar to the game 'Concentration', and to aid in learning, it can be simplified initially by having the children sing their names in sequence. This version allows them to focus on mastering the tune and pitch-matching the musical notes So and Do. For a more advanced musical challenge, Solfa hand signs can be incorporated, adding a visual and kinesthetic element to the game and reinforcing the pitch of the notes being sung.