Pitch Activity Book - Step Back Baby

Music Resource Description
"Step Back Baby" is a dynamic and engaging song ideal for children's group performances, particularly suited to an activity book for educators or parents looking to incorporate music and movement into their teaching. The song is structured to be performed in a circle, fostering a sense of community and coordination among the young participants. As one child begins with the line 'Not last night but the night before', all children take four steps towards the centre of the circle, moving rhythmically and swinging their arms in time with the beat. They then collectively sing 'Step back baby step back', while taking four steps backwards, accentuating the movement with thumbs pointing backwards to match the rhythm.
The unique aspect of this song lies in its rhythmic complexity, where the children step on a steady beat but sing to a syncopated rhythm, offering them a playful challenge. Each child gets a chance to shine by singing a solo line while moving inwards, and then they join together in unison for the outward steps. In a group of seven, this ensures that every child is involved, with the final line being sung by all, creating a harmonious conclusion to the song. Additionally, "Step Back Baby" is an excellent tool for teaching musical concepts; it is notated in swing style and uses solfa with hand signs, focusing on the notes Mi, So, and La. The song specifically provides practice for the more challenging intervals of La to Mi and Mi to La, helping children to develop their musical ear and vocal skills in a fun and interactive way.