Pitch Activity Book - I'm Off to Town

Music Resource Description
"I'm Off to Town" is an engaging activity book designed to teach children about pitch-matching through an interactive musical game. The book presents a playful song that sets the scene for a shopping adventure, with lyrics that express excitement about spending money on various items such as diamonds, laptops, and holidays. The melody is crafted with a simple rhythm that is easy for children to follow, and the tune uses the notes Mi, So, and La, which are fundamental in teaching pitch awareness and vocal development.
The game is played with children sitting in a circle or line, and involves a series of actions including tapping knees, clapping, and clicking fingers to the right and left. These actions help the children maintain the pulse of the song throughout the game. As they sing the opening phrases together, individual children take turns to express what they would buy, with the group responding in echo. This call-and-response format not only reinforces musical concepts but also encourages listening skills and social interaction. To enhance the learning experience, solfa hand signs can be incorporated, aligning with the sung melody of Mi, So, and La, further emphasizing pitch recognition and musicality.