Pitch Year 5 Notations - Pentatonic melody
Music Resource Description
The "Pentatonic Melody" activity is an engaging and educational musical game designed for Year 5 students to explore the pentatonic scale. The game is set to a catchy tune with lyrics that encourage participation: "Pentatonic melody, you can always say no, but why not try to have a go?" As the children sit in a circle, they pass a beanbag to the rhythm of the song. The excitement builds as they anticipate who will be holding the beanbag when the music prompts them to 'go' into the center of the circle. The chosen student then plays a four-beat pentatonic phrase on chime bars, which has been displayed on a flashcard by the leader of the activity.
After the phrase is played, the group immediately echoes it back, singing the same notes using solfa syllables and accompanying hand signs. This not only reinforces their understanding of the pentatonic scale, which includes the notes Do, Re, Mi, So, and La, but also develops their ability to read rhythm and pitch notation. The game can be adapted to cater to various skill levels by simplifying the patterns. Additionally, the activity extends beyond just singing and playing; the song is also performed with body actions as an alternative to hand signs, and it is played on xylophones, including in canon form. Furthermore, students are encouraged to create their own instrumental compositions using the pentatonic melody, incorporating musical elements such as drone, ostinato, and melody to showcase their creativity and understanding of music theory.