Pitch Lesson Plan - Year 6 Lesson 3

Music Resource Description
The third lesson in the Year 6 Pitch series is a musically enriching experience that aims to introduce the solfa note and hand sign for 'Do', while reinforcing the students' ability to recognise and sing intervals between the solfa notes Do, Mi, So, and La. The lesson is designed to encourage active participation through singing from notated rhythm and pitch patterns, specifically using the sequence Bb A G Bb A G Bb A G, and to play So Mi Do melodies on chime bars. The key vocabulary for the lesson includes terms such as Do, Mi, So, La, pitch, and interval, which are crucial for understanding musical notation and the relationship between notes.
Main activities of the lesson involve rhythm and pitch pattern exercises with hand signs, silent singing patterns, and the introduction of a new character, Dodi (Do), who is depicted as a warm, friendly lady who is very kind to children. Students will learn to associate the pitch of Do with Dodi's character and practice singing patterns using the new note. The lesson also includes a chant with a melody that helps to embed the new note into the children's musical vocabulary. For more advanced students, there are extension activities such as playing melodies on chime bars in canon and performing individually or in small groups. The lesson concludes with a preview of the next character to be introduced, Raymond, and a plenary singing activity that incorporates tuned instruments to play along with the pulse of the music.