Pitch - KS2 - Teacher Notes

Music Resource Description
The comprehensive teacher notes for Key Stage 2 Active Music – Pitch provide a structured approach to teaching pitch-matching and vocal skills through a variety of engaging activities and singing games. The aim is for children to develop confidence and accuracy in their singing voices. These activities are designed to be integrated regularly throughout the year, with emphasis on repetition to reinforce learning. The accompanying DVD offers additional exercises to further the children's musical development. Solfa, a method for teaching pitch, is also introduced, and its details can be found in the 'About these plans' section.
Understanding musical concepts such as pulse and rhythm is central to the program. Pulse is likened to a consistent heartbeat within the music, which can be demonstrated through actions like tapping, while rhythm is associated with the pattern of the words in a song. The lesson plans use rhythm names instead of traditional musical notation to simplify learning rhythms. The teaching process for songs is broken down into clear, manageable steps, starting with listening and culminating in performance. The notes also cover conducting, performance ideas, and how to encourage children to appraise their musical efforts. The introduction of tempo and dynamics enriches the learning experience, leading to the development of composing and improvising skills. For more detailed guidance on notation and structure, stave notation worksheets are provided, and a glossary of terms is included to familiarize teachers with key musical vocabulary.