Pitch Year 5 Notations - We all have different names
Music Resource Description
"We All Have Different Names" is an engaging and educational musical game designed for Year 5 students to enhance their pitch-matching skills and learn about musical notations. The song itself is simple and catchy, with lyrics that celebrate the uniqueness of each child's name. As the children gather in a circle or line, they are invited to participate in a rhythmic pattern of actions that include tapping their knees, clapping, and clicking their fingers to the right and left. The steady pulse of these actions underpins the melody as they sing together.
The game begins with the group singing the main line of the song, and then progresses with each child singing their own name followed by another's, creating a chain of musical introductions. This requires quick thinking and attention, similar to the classic game 'Concentration'. To assist with focusing on the singing aspect, the game can start with a simpler version where children sing their names in sequence. The activity not only fosters a sense of community but also serves as a practical exercise for pitch-matching, specifically with the musical notes So and Do. Teachers can further incorporate Solfa into the game, using hand signs to represent these notes, which adds a visual element to the auditory learning experience.