Pitch Year 3 Notations - Tinker Tailor

Music Resource Description
The 'Tinker Tailor' activity is a musical game designed for Year 3 children, which combines singing, movement, and rhythm to create an engaging learning experience. The game is set to a melody that can be sung with the lyrics "Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief." The children are encouraged to stand in pairs, facing each other, and pass a ball back and forth in time with the pulse of the song. They are instructed to bounce and catch the ball on specific syllables, such as "Tin - ker" and "Tail - or," which helps them to feel the beat and maintain a steady rhythm throughout the game.
As an extension of the game, it can be played in a circle, with one child in the middle passing the ball to each child in turn, or in canon, with one pair of children starting the game and a second pair joining in at the phrase "Rich man." This variation requires quick reflexes and anticipation as the children must bounce the ball to themselves on "beggar man" before passing it on. To enhance their musical understanding, the children tap their knees and clap their hands in sync with the bouncing and catching of the ball. The game also serves as a practical way to familiarise the children with the solfa notes Do, Mi, and So, which they can later play on chime bars, even in a canon format, once they are confident with the melody and hand signs associated with these pitches.