Pitch Lesson Plan - Year 3 Lesson 4

Music Resource Description
The fourth lesson in the Year 3 Pitch series is designed to expand students' musical knowledge and skills by introducing the solfa name and hand sign for the note 'Re'. Students will learn to recognise and sing intervals between the solfa notes Do, Re, Mi, So, and La, as well as sing from notated rhythm and pitch patterns using the full pentatonic notation (Bb A G and Do, Re, Mi, So, La). The key vocabulary for this lesson includes terms such as pitch and interval, and resources required are a whiteboard with a pen, and optional stave notation worksheets. The lesson begins with rhythm and pitch pattern exercises, including silent singing, and progresses to reading and singing from notated patterns. Students will also learn the song 'Hot Cross Buns' and play a partner game to reinforce their learning.
As the lesson progresses, the character 'Raymond' or 'Re' is introduced, along with his hand sign and his role in the musical café narrative. Students practice singing 4-beat rhythm patterns at Raymond's pitch and are encouraged to sing solos. The lesson includes a composition activity where a student creates a 4-beat rhythm pattern and adds solfa notation underneath, which another student then performs. The lesson plan also suggests using stave notation worksheets to practice writing pitch and rhythm notation. The plenary involves a discussion about the effectiveness of learning music through this method and how it prepares students for playing instruments. The lesson aligns with the National Curriculum, focusing on understanding pitch, singing, aural memory, musical notation, composition, and performance.