Pitch Lesson Plan - Year 4 Lesson 3

Music Resource Description
In the third lesson of the Year 4 Pitch series, students are introduced to the foundational concepts of musical pitch through engaging activities and games. The learning objectives are centered on familiarizing students with the solfa name and hand sign for the note 'Do', as well as recognizing and singing intervals between the notes Do, Mi, So, and La. The lesson includes singing from notated rhythm and pitch patterns, specifically using the sequence Bb A G Bb A G Bb A G, along with the corresponding solfa notes. Key vocabulary introduced in this lesson includes Do, Mi, So, La, pitch, and interval. Resources required for the lesson include a whiteboard and pen, and optionally, a stave notation worksheet.
The main activities of the lesson involve rhythm and pitch exercises with hand signs, silent singing patterns, and the introduction of a new character, Dodi (also known as Do), who is depicted as a warm and generous lady. The character helps students remember the pitch associated with Do through a visual and story-based mnemonic. Students practice singing 4-beat rhythm patterns using the notes associated with the characters Dodi (Do), Mikhail (Mi), and Sophie (So), reinforcing their understanding of pitch. They also engage in a ball game called 'Tinker Tailor' to further develop their skills in solfa and pitch recognition. To consolidate the lesson, students are teased with the introduction of a new character, Raymond, who will be covered in the following week, and the session concludes with the song 'Goodbye Everyone'. The curriculum aims are to enhance students' understanding of pitch, duration, texture, and to improve their aural memory and musical notation skills through solo and group performances.