Pitch Activity Book - Concentration

Music Resource Description
The 'Concentration' activity is a dynamic and engaging musical game designed to improve children's concentration, rhythm, and pitch-matching skills. The activity involves sitting in a circle and performing a sequence of actions in time with the music. These actions include tapping knees, clapping hands, and clicking fingers to the right and left. The goal is to maintain a continuous pulse throughout the song, which features a catchy melody that alternates between the notes So and Mi, aiding in pitch recognition and vocal practice.
After familiarising themselves with the song and actions, the game introduces an element of challenge and fun. The leader starts by singing their name on the first finger click and another child's name on the second click. The named child then continues the pattern, singing their own name and choosing someone else's for the next clicks. The game progresses rapidly, and any hesitation or mistake in singing the correct name may result in a player being 'out'. As proficiency grows, the stakes are raised, and children can be eliminated for simply losing the pulse. This captivating activity not only enhances musical abilities but also fosters a sense of community and attentiveness among the participants.