Pitch Year 3 Notations - Pumpkin pumpkin

Music Resource Description
"Pumpkin, Pumpkin" is a playful and engaging song for Year 3 children that combines music with movement to create an interactive experience. The song's rhythm is simple and catchy, with a sequence of musical notes that guide the children through the lyrics, "Pumpkin, pumpkin, round and fat, turn into a jack-o-lantern just like that!" The tune is designed to be easy to follow, allowing young students to quickly join in the fun.
During the activity, the children gather in a circle and partner up, ensuring that there is an even number of participants to make the game run smoothly. As they sing "Pumpkin, pumpkin, round and fat," they clap hands with their partners in a 'pat-a-cake' style, adding a tactile element to the song. When the lyrics reach "Turn into a Jack-o-lantern," the children hold hands with their partners and swap places, adding a twist of motion to the game. At the final word "That!" they jump around and face their new partner, pulling a scary face to add a playful scare to the mix. This musical game not only teaches rhythm and coordination but also encourages social interaction and creativity among the children.