Instrumental - Year 5 Lesson 4

Music Resource Description
In Year 5's fourth music lesson, students are set to explore instrumental compositions and activities with specific learning objectives aimed at enhancing their musical skills. The primary goal is to play both tuned and un-tuned instruments with precision and control, internalising the rhythm and melody of songs, and creating melodic layers using ostinatos. Furthermore, the lesson encourages group practice and performance, as well as the development of appraisal skills to evaluate musical pieces. Key vocabulary terms such as 'pulse', 'rhythm', and 'internalise' are introduced to provide students with the necessary language to discuss and understand the musical concepts being taught.
The lesson utilises a variety of resources including tuned percussion instruments like chime bars and xylophones, specifically the notes C, D, E, G, and A, alongside activity sheets and stick notation. The main activities are structured to progressively build musical understanding and performance skills. Students start by playing along with drum patterns, singing and tapping to the pulse of the song 'Great Big House', and then progress to playing the pulse and rhythm on tuned instruments. They engage in group work, going through a series of tasks that challenge them to sing, play, and internalise different musical parts. Each group concludes the lesson by performing to their classmates, followed by a critical appraisal of their work. The plenary involves singing 'Goodbye Everyone' in unison, incorporating the instruments. The lesson aims to cater to different abilities and learning styles, offering extensions for gifted students, and aligns with the National Curriculum's music objectives.