Instrumental Year 5 Notations - Great big house stick notation
Music Resource Description
The "Great Big House" stick notation for Year 5 students presents a rhythmic pattern with solfa syllables to help them understand and perform the rhythm of the song. The notation is divided into four lines, each representing a phrase of the song. The solfa syllables M (mi), S (so), L (la), and R (re) are used to indicate the pitch of the notes, while the rhythm is shown through the placement of the syllables within the measure. The song speaks of a grand house in New Orleans with forty stories and rooms filled with pumpkin pie, capturing the imagination and providing a cultural context.
In the same vein, the "Great Big House" rhythm with note names offers a more advanced understanding of the song by replacing solfa syllables with actual note names. Each line of the song corresponds to a musical phrase, with the note names E, G, A, D, and C indicating the specific pitches to be sung or played. This notation style is beneficial for students learning to read music and associate specific pitches with their corresponding note names. The song's playful lyrics about the grandeur of the house and the pumpkin pie in each room provide an engaging way for students to practice their musical notation skills.