Development Matters for EYFS

Science Resource Description
Development Matters for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a guidance framework that outlines the learning, development, and care children should experience from birth to five years old in the United Kingdom. The document serves as a comprehensive roadmap for early years practitioners, including childminders, preschool teachers, and nursery staff, to support and track children's progress during their formative years. It emphasizes a child-centered approach to learning, recognizing that each child is unique and that they develop at their own pace. The framework is designed to ensure that children are provided with a rich and varied range of activities and experiences that promote their physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development.
The EYFS framework includes seven key areas of learning and development, which are split into three prime areas—Communication and Language, Physical Development, and Personal, Social, and Emotional Development—and four specific areas—Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, and Expressive Arts and Design. Development Matters offers practical guidance on implementing the curriculum, with a focus on utilising play-based learning and fostering positive relationships. It also provides milestones, known as 'Early Learning Goals', to help educators and parents understand expected levels of development by the end of the EYFS. Additionally, the framework outlines the importance of safeguarding and welfare requirements to ensure that all children learn and develop in a safe and supportive environment.