Coordinator Checklist
Science Resource Description
The Science Coordinator Checklist is a comprehensive tool created to assist coordinators in ensuring all aspects of a school’s science education are addressed and documented efficiently. The checklist is divided into several key areas, each requiring specific evidence or data to be collated. Starting with the 'Statement of Intent', this section ensures the school's commitment to the National Curriculum is clear and supported by a detailed Science Curriculum Map, which outlines the progression of knowledge and skills across year groups. The 'Working Scientifically Progression' is another critical element, ensuring lesson plans and support documents are in place to guide the practical and investigative aspects of science education.
Regarding 'Pupil Performance', the checklist highlights the need for robust assessment procedures, tracking systems, and tailored intervention strategies to support all learners, including those with special educational needs (SEN), more able (MA), and those with English as an additional language (EAL). The 'Staff Performance' section focuses on the professional development and monitoring of teaching staff through lesson observations, book scrutinies, and learning walks. This is complemented by 'Staff Improvement' initiatives, such as staff meetings and continuous professional development (CPD) records, which are crucial for maintaining high teaching standards. Lastly, the 'Science Capital' section encourages the enrichment of science education through external visits, inviting visitors into the school, and extracurricular activities like a Science Club, all of which serve to enhance students' engagement and interest in science.